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Spring Reset 


Learn to fast like a Queen

7-Day Online Course


​It's springtime, a perfect time to brush off the winter hibernation and step into the growth and expansion of spring. A great way to do this is through a spring detox and fast.

Working on a cellular level to create vibrant energy. 

Let me guide you through intermittent fasting and spring fasting, leaving you feeling recharged. Enjoy delicious, nourishing foods while being in a supportive group of like minded people. 




Feel like a reset?


Low in energy?


Aches and pains?


Sugar cravings are a bit out of control?


Feeling overwhelmed about where to start with your health?


Wanting to increase your energy and vitality ?


Want to connect and be supported by a community of like minded people? 


This is a seven day online, evergreen naturopathic program


Join me, Naturopath Herbalist with over 20 years experience in clinics, running workshops, Wellbeing Retreats and Fasting!!


Investment: $89

Next fasting program starts: Evergreen course

Hey, I'm Coryn

Go at your own pace in this evergreen program


About this program


What's included in your 7-day Spring Detox?


  • A full seven days menu

  • Nourishing recipes for detox

  • Learn about intermittent fasting and if it's right for you. 

  • Videos from me to help guide you through your detox


Why fast? What's the benefit? 


Fasting is a way to reset and heal the body, to allow yourself to really listen to what your body needs. A time for the body to take a breath, fasting can help bring balance back to the body. It is very restorative and has been shown to help reduce inflammation in the body. 


Spring fasting is all about cellular rejuvenation, while helping to reset your metabolism, decreasing inflammation and helping to restore gut health.  it can even help with slowing down the aging process! And of course, regaining energy and vitality.



There are many different types of fasting.


My first fast was while training to become a naturopath 20 years ago. 

I have done many over the years. 

In this course there is an option for doing 3 day fasting of either vegetable juice or water.


Fasting is not for everyone!


Before considering this, you are welcome thave a chat to establish that fasting is the best thing for you right now.


Fasting is not recommended if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have diabetes, or have an eating disorder, or are dealing with chronic fatigue.


Good news: if you experience any of the above, I can help! I can see you as a one-on-one client to give you more specific care.



Start when you want to: its an evergreen program






What is the time investment?


This is an evergreen course, it's go at your own pace, there will be video's to watch over the course



When do I go shopping for the week?


When you sign up you will be emailed out the menu and all recipes for the seven days, so you can get organised and start when it feels right for you.



Will I be fasting for 7 days?


No, for the first four days you will be introduced to intermittent fasting and will be eating three meals a day. Then on day five, you go on the three day fast.



What if I get hungry?


There are three juices daily - breakfast, lunch and dinner. I find them super filling and there are snack options for those that need them. 


Is this a water fast?


It is a juice fast and for only those that have fasted before and would like to try a water fast, it is an option.  



How will I feel during the fast?


Everybody is different, sometimes you can feel tired and a bit hungover as the body is detoxing. If that happens, I am here to support you through that.



Is this a weight loss program?


No is the short answer. But some people lose a bit of weight while doing this, but some don't. The focus is not on weight loss - it is on the health benefits of fasting.

But in saying all of that, fasting has shown to increase metabolic heath and to decrease insulin, all of this will help you lose weight .



I don’t have a juicer are there any alternatives?


Yes! You can do a soup broth fast instead. All recipes will be supplied.



I don’t have time to make up the broths can I buy pre-made?


Yes, I highly recommend Mitchells bone broth



  Investment: $89


What people are saying about the course.



I joined one of Coryn’s 7-day Metabolic Reset programs recently, and am so glad I did. The way Coryn ran and facilitated the program made it easy for me to do, even with work and family. Coryn is very knowledgeable and approachable. Thanks to Coryn guidance on making tweaks to my eating habits I now have consistent energy levels throughout the day, eat and feel better, and have reduced my sugar intake.

- Jackie Clark, April 2023


I did the 7-day metabolic reset with Coryn and a group of lovely people. Would totally recommend doing this. Coryn's expertise and experience in providing the yummiest, easy to make recipes and great support through the week as well as group support from fellow fasters. I will be doing this again!

- Sue Bowers, April 2023


When I signed up for the 7-day metabolic reset I was feeling dense and heavy in energy, physically and emotionally. At the end of seven days I genuinely feel as though a reset button has actually been activated. Energy levels, clarity, everything seems lighter… my gut which I’ve had issues with for years feels settled and calm. Coryn has a genuine way of holding space with a great sense of humor, care and knowledge to share. So many awesome bits of info throughout on gut health, intermittent fasting, nurturing and nourishing ourselves. And the juice recipes were delicious, vibrant in colors and refreshing to the body and soul. Definitely recommend.

- Michelle Wannan, January 2023


I recently participated in the online '7-day metabolic protocol' run by CorynThis is a great course if you are curious about how intermittent fasting & juice fasting can be beneficial to your body. The information supplied online & via zoom makes the day-by-day plan easy to follow and understand. I loved the integration of Journaling in this course.  Sharing via the zoom group was a great way to ask questions, support each other & acknowledge the different experiences each of us were going through. Coryn  led this journey in a confident, informative manner with a lot  of love & laughs too.

- Mandy Lauder, November 22

Still unsure about doing the course?

Let's Chat. Please book a free 15 min discovery phone call to see if the course is right for you.

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