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Health & Wellbeing Profile


Functional personalised approach for longevity, health and wellbeing.

Discover the powerful interaction between Genetics, Diet, Exercise and Lifestyle to meet your personal Health & Wellness goals. As a Fitgenes accredited Practitioner, Coryn is qualified to use a range of Genetic Profiling tests to assist you to better manage your nutritional and exercise needs. Here are two tests she can do for you to help you on the path to long-lasting good health and wellbeing:



& Wellbeing




Genetic testing. Healthy living. Healthy ageing.



Discover the powerful interaction between Genetics, Diet, Exercise and Lifestyle to meet your personal Health & Wellness goals.

This is all about understanding your body and how to influence your genetic expression!

In the health and well being profile we look at the following:


1. Inflammation

2. Cell Defence

3. Vitamin D Receptors

4. Methylation and Homocysteine Metabolism

5. Cardiovascular Health

6. Fat Metabolism and Cholesterol Regulation



Fitgenes, who are they?


Health and Wellbeing is powered by Fitgenes Australia – providing genetic test reports since 2009. Fitgenes is a world leader in developing genetic profile reports that provide personalised dietary, lifestyle and exercise interventions. Fitgenes genetic profile reports are evidence-based, incorporating published scientific literature on nutrigenomic outcomes. 


These reports support accredited practitioners in their practice to develop personalised programs to improve a client’s health and wellbeing based on their individual goals.


The health and well being panel aims to help individuals reach their health goals and increase their health expectancy, maximising their potential for Healthy Living and Healthy Ageing.



Why choose a Fitgenes Health & Wellbeing report?


This report contains your personal genetic profile showing your genetic variants you may have in your genes, which in turn can influence your fitness, health and nutrition. 

This information, combined with various health and lifestyle assessments is used by your Fitgenes Accredited Practitioner ( that's me)  to design personalised and targeted nutrition, exercise and lifestyle interventions. 


Your Personal Genetic Profile is an important piece of the puzzle helping you maximise your potential for Healthy Living and Healthy Ageing. The genetic variants tested as part of your profile have been grouped according to the primary physiological effect they have on your body. 



These groups are:


  • Inflammation

  • Cell Defence

  • Vitamin D Receptors

  • Methylation and Homocysteine Metabolism

  • Cardiovascular Health

  • Fat Metabolism & Cholesterol Regulation


Discover the powerful interaction between genetics, diet, exercise and lifestyle to meet your personal health and wellness goals.


You will need to have a consultation first before any tests are purchased. 

Please book a free 15 minute discovery call with Coryn first.



Understand how your body metabolises and tolerates starch carbohydrates.


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What is a CarbChoice® profile?


CarbChoice® is a personalised copy number variation report based on your AMY 1 gene CNV which affects your personal response to starch carbohydrates. Understanding your CarbChoice® number and your body’s related response, can assist you to better manage your nutritional and exercise needs. 

Confused about Carbs? The fact is that Carbs are an essential part of a healthy dietary plan. The more you understand about 'Carbs and You' the easier it will be to achieve your goals. Your CarbChoice® Profile helps to optimise your healthy set weight.


What's your CarbChoice® number? The CarbChoice® profile will reveal your unique copy number.





Requires lower intake of starch. If intake is too high or wrong type, greater risk of obesity which can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes.





Can tolerate more grains but if intake is too high or wrong type, the likelihood of weight issues and related problems increases.





Can tolerate higher starch intake from grains and other carbohydrates with less impact on insulin levels. Less risk of obesity.



How does it work?


Looking to understand how your body metabolises and tolerates starch carbohydrates.

You will benefit from knowing more about your AMY1 gene. AMY1 is a gene that produces the enzyme ‘amylase’. Amylase is found in our saliva and plays a major role in the digestion of starch, which is a carbohydrate found in grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.


Amylase begins the process of starch metabolism in the mouth. Some of us do not produce sufficient levels of amylase to effectively process starch carbohydrates. The result being that some people may gain weight or have other issues as a result of not breaking down starch adequately. Genetic research on amylase production and how effective it is for starch carbohydrate digestion has shown that our AMY1 gene copy number variation indicates our genetic predisposition for starch metabolism.



How is it going to help me? 


Based on your AMY1 Copy Number (“CarbChoice® number”) your report will contain personalised dietary, lifestyle and specific exercise recommendations that may assist you in processing starch carbohydrates better or compensating for your low CarbChoice® number.



You will need to have a consultation first before any tests are purchased.

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