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The Beauty of Qi-gong: A Journey to Calm and Connection

Flowing with the Rhythms of Life

In a world that often feels like it’s moving too fast, Qigong offers a gentle invitation to slow down, breathe, and reconnect. This ancient Chinese practice—sometimes called "moving meditation"—blends breath, slow-flowing movements, and mindfulness, creating a space where body and mind meet in harmony. It’s a practice for everyone, and its simplicity is its magic. Let’s explore the beauty of Qigong, particularly for women navigating the demands of everyday life.

My First Experience with Qi-gong: A Seed-Planted

My journey with Qigong began 25 years ago when I was training as a naturopath. At the time, I was learning about the body from a clinical perspective, but something deeper called to me.

I was introduced to Qigong during a class, and I was taken aback by its subtle yet profound effects. The movements were simple and almost graceful, but what struck me most was the shift it created in my mind.

I left that first session feeling clearer, more grounded, and unexpectedly calm. It wasn’t flashy or intense—it was gentle, and yet it left a lasting impression. Little did I know that this practice would return to me, shaping my life in profound ways many years later.

Reconnecting with My Qi-gong Roots

Fast forward to 2023, and life has come full circle. After years of working with women’s health and exploring various holistic practices, I reconnected with the very teacher who had first introduced me to Qigong. This time, I committed to deepening my understanding through a teacher training course.

Learning from him again felt like rediscovering a forgotten language. The movements and philosophy behind Qigong resonated even more deeply, as I could now see how vital it is to women’s health and well-being. I began practising Qigong daily, and it quickly became a non-negotiable part of my routine.

Qi: The Energy That Moves Us

At the heart of Qigong is the understanding of energy. Qi means (Vital energy or life force) and gong means to be skilled at something. When we put it together it translates to the mastering of moving vital energy throughout the body.

Once we learn the forms of Qigong, we can begin to settle into the subtleties of moving Qi throughout the body. It's about connecting to the flow within and the flow around us.

For me, this has become a deeply spiritual experience. In those moments, I’m in my feeling body, not my thinking mind. This practice allows me to soften, expand my sense of self, and have a different experience of the world—one that feels spacious and soft. This state helps me connect to my intuition and find my natural rhythm. It feels like a gift, a moment where I come home to myself, at one with everything around me.

Of course, some days aren’t like this. My mind might be racing, or I might feel distracted.

But the more I practice, the more I’m able to drop into that deep stillness where the magic of Qigong truly unfolds.

Daily Qigong: Anchoring into Calm

In the whirlwind of daily life, my Qigong practice is an anchor. It’s my time to step out of the busyness, tune into my body, and connect with what I truly need. Qigong helps me shift out of that familiar stressed state and into a place of calm clarity. From this space, I can set the tone for my day, rather than letting the day set it for me.

For women, especially those navigating perimenopause or burnout, Qigong is a powerful tool.

We are constantly balancing so many roles and energies, and Qigong offers a gentle way to restore harmony within ourselves. It’s a moment to pause, breathe, and tap into our inner wisdom.

The Power of Daily Rituals

There’s something sacred about creating a daily ritual as a woman. A ritual isn’t just another task to check off the list; it’s a devotion to ourselves. For me, Qigong has become that sacred practice. Each morning, (well to be honest I miss a few due to being human)I rise with the sun, step outside, and do my qi-gong practice.

There’s a saying in Qigong: “Look without looking.” It’s the act of softening the eyes, gazing outward, but not focusing on any particular point. When done with the soft light of the morning sun, it’s truly invigorating.

This small moment, before the day starts and before screens and to-do lists take over, is transformative. I can promise you this: if you take time for yourself in the morning with Qigong, you will feel better. You’ll kickstart your dopamine and other feel-good neurotransmitters, preparing your body and mind for whatever comes next.

The Benefits of Qigong for Women’s Health

Qigong isn’t just about moving the body—it’s about moving energy. For women, this practice can be a game-changer in supporting both physical and emotional well-being. Here are some of the key benefits of Qigong for women:

  • Hormone Balance: Qigong helps harmonise the body’s natural rhythms, supporting smoother transitions through the stages of life, including perimenopause and menopause.

  • Stress Relief: Through its gentle movements and focused breathwork, Qigong moves us out of the fight-or-flight mode and into a state of relaxation, where healing can occur.

  • Energy Flow: The practice encourages the free flow of energy (Qi) throughout the body, releasing stagnation and revitalising both body and mind.

  • Mind-Body Connection: Qigong invites us to slow down and reconnect with our bodies, which is key to tuning into our needs and nurturing our emotional health.

This practice meets us wherever we are—whether we’re feeling depleted, overwhelmed, or simply in need of some self-care. It’s a sustainable, lifelong tool for balance.

Why Qigong is Perfect for Busy Women

We live in a world that demands so much from us—juggling careers, families, personal goals, and health. Qigong is a practice that fits beautifully into even the busiest of lives. It doesn’t require special equipment or a lot of time. Just 10 minutes of Qigong in the morning can shift your energy and set you up for a day of calm, centered focus.

For me, it’s become a touchstone. No matter what’s going on around me, I know I can come back to my breath and movements, allowing the stress of the day to melt away. It’s a practice of presence, inviting us to be in our bodies rather than in our heads. For women, this is a sacred gift.

Bringing Qigong into My Retreats

Over the years, I’ve been so inspired by Qigong’s effects on my own life that I now bring it into the women’s retreats I run. At these retreats, Qigong becomes a way for participants to ground themselves, open their hearts, and access a deeper state of calm. The practice is woven into the fabric of the retreat experience, helping women to feel more connected to themselves and each other.

It’s always beautiful to witness the transformations that occur when we slow down and come back to our bodies. In these moments, Qigong becomes more than just a practice—it becomes a shared ritual of connection, growth, and renewal.

An Invitation to Explore Qigong

If you’ve never experienced Qigong before, I encourage you to try it for yourself. It’s a simple, yet profound way to connect with your body and create a moment of peace in your day. Whether you’re seeking more balance, a way to relieve stress, or simply a practice to nourish yourself, Qigong offers a gentle path forward.

Let this ancient art guide you back to your centre, where calm and clarity await.

Let's chat, if this resonates with you and if you'd love to explore this in more depth!

You can book a free discovery call here.

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Focused on women's health.

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